Fundacja na FB
  The Foundation Monumentum Iudaicum Lodzense – Lodz Jews Heritage Foundation was established in Lodz on the 6th of November 1995 and registered in 1997. Its founders were the Municipality of Lodz, Organization of Former Residents of Lodz in Israel and the World Jews Restitution Organization. The first president of the Foundation was its inspirer, Arnold Mostowicz, who passed away in 2002.
Andrzej Bodek, the next president, fulfiled his duties only a few months and from the 30th of August 2005 the position of the president fills Prof. Henryk Panusz.

During the years the Foundation attracted a group of people representing Polish and foreign world of science, culture and art, who are engaged in realizing its program.
The Foundation cooperates with different institutions in Poland and around the world like Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, YIVO in New York, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Institute of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

The present Foundation authority for the term 2013-2015:
Founders Council:
Representative of the Municipality of Lodz - vice-president Marek Cieślak
Representative of the Organization of Former Residents of Lodz in Israel - chairman Henryk (Zvi) Bergman
Members of the board:
Jan Jagielski, Leon Kelcz, Symcha Keller, Monika Kern, Kamila Klauzińska, Xenia Modrzejewska-Brzozowska, Henryk Panusz, Sylwester Pawłowski, Mirosław Sopek, Marek Szukalak, Aleksandra Szychman,   .
Auditing committee:
Grazyna Bolimowska – representative of Municipality of Lodz
Michal Nadel – representative of Jewish Community of Lodz

Hubert  Rogoziński – representative of Jewish Community of Lodz
Zvia Fried – representative of Organization of Former Residents of Lodz in Israel
Yehuda Widawski – representative of Organization of Former Residents of Lodz in Israel

Members of the board and the president fulfill their functions honorary.

Our most important goal today are cleaning, renovating and research works on the Jewish Cemetery at the Bracka Street and to commemorate places and events connected to Ghetto Lodz and the history of Jews of Lodz.


The main goal is the saving of the Jewish Cemetery at the Bracka Street ...więcej and the revival and preservation of the memory of the Jewish Community and its significant part in the development of the city ...więcej . Also an important task is the popularization of the Holocaust knowledge and the history of Ghetto Lodz, as well as to remind of the faith of its residents - prisoners ...więcej . These tasks are realized through the cleaning and renovating works at the Cemetery, gathering the documentation of the people buried at the Cemetery and research. Through cooperation with institutions such as archives, museums, publishing houses, schools, cultural and education institutions, the Foundation conduct publishing activities and stars and supports cultural and educational initiatives, which allow to learn and popularize the history of the Jews of Lodz. These goals realized from the beginning the consecutive directors: Barbara Celler (1997-1999), Henryk Panusz (1999-2002), Marek Szukalak (from autumn 2003).


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