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The first Jewish Cemetery in Lodz was established in 1811 at the Wesola Street. In the 50’s of the XX century a residential neighborhood and a street was built on the cemetery grounds. Today a stone obelisk, erected in 2004 by the initiative of the President of Lodz, Dr. Jerzy Kropiwnicki, remembers about this Cemetery.
The Cemetery at the Bracka Street in Lodz was established in 1892. About 160 000 people are buried there. Today the Cemetery has an area of 39,6 hectare. In more than 100 years of the history of the Cemetery many meritorious for our city and its history people like known rabbis, fabricants, physicians, politicians, social activists etc were buried at this Cemetery.
Their tombstones often show high class of stone and metal craftworks.

Also here are buried victims of one of the most tragic events in the history of the mankind - Holocaust. On the part of the Cemetery called “Ghetto Field” some 43 000 victims from the Ghetto Lodz, who died from hunger and consumption, are buried there. On their graves seldom we can see a matzeva. To keep the memory about them, the Foundation cleaned this area in the years 2004 - 2009. In spite of other works on the Cemetery, Ghetto Field was the most important and crucial to restore so, that the few still living descendants of the persons buried there, could put the matzeva on the graves of their love ones, and the Ghetto Field would receive the character of the military cemetery, as it in fact is.

Thanks to the kindness and financial support of Mr. Josef Buchmann from Frankfurt/Main, the essential base of people buried at the Cemetery was established. We succeeded to gather information about 90 000 persons. But this base is not complete. We are trying to find new information’s from different sources. We are making inventory and photographic documentation of the still existing tombstones at the Cemetery and take the personal data written on them.

The Cemetery website will allow every interested person to check the names list of persons buried in the particular sections. Detailed information about the place of burial based on the cemetery documentation could be obtain from the created now by the Foundation Monumentum Iudaicum Lodzense and Jewish Community in Lodz ARCHIVE OF THE JEWS OF LODZ, which is located at the 18, Pomorska Street in Lodz. Premises for the archive were redecorated by the Foundation thanks to donation from Mr. Josef Buchman from Frankfurt/Main.

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