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The position on the location of the Righteous Among the Nations monument near the Museum of the History of Polish Jews

The Monumentum Iudaicum Lodzense foundation would like to express its opposition to the location of the Righteous Among the Nations monument within the area of the former ghetto near the Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
We are not against the idea of building the monument itself, but its location. There is no doubt that every city, where the Righteous lived and risked their lives, should want to commemorate them.
We believe that the opinion expressed by the Polish Center for Holocaust Research in Warsaw is the most accurate.
We are aware that the Polish Righteous have been commemorated in a beautiful and honourable way by the Museum of the History of Polish Jews through the project called “The Polish Righteous”.
The material gathered thanks to this project, which is presented on the website of the Museum, constitutes a unique “place of memory” and serves educational purposes.
Owing to this “digital monument” of The Righteous we are able to pass on the knowledge about them to a far greater number of people not only in our country but also abroad, especially to future generations. We are sure at the same time that the memory of their heroic attitude will not be forgotten.
Concerning the discussion about the location of the monument, we would like to point out that such a monument in a traditional form devoted to the Polish Righteous was unveiled in Lodz in 2009. The monument is situated in the Survivors’ Park created in 2004. Halina Elczewska, one of the Survivors from Litzmannstadt Ghetto, came up with the idea of planting trees by the Survivors themselves.
The former mayor of Lodz, Jerzy Kropiwnicki together with his team created a unique place devoted to history and memory. Thus, in the Survivors’ Park there are: the Monument Honoring Poles who Saved Jews During the Second World War, the monument of Żegota – the Polish Council to Aid Jews, the Memorial Mound with the bench of Jan Karski - a courier of Polish Secret State who has become a symbol of the Righteous. The building of The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center is being built there as well.

The people who managed to avoid death and the people who tried to help the victims of the Holocaust meet together in one place. Here, in Lodz, they guard the memory for the future generations.

In addition, we would like to turn everyone’s attention to the fact that in many cities in Poland there are memory places which stand both for the Righteous and the Survivors, such as cemeteries and synagogues. Those numerous historical and cultural monuments of Polish Jews are memory places that should be taken care of in the first instance.

Members of the Board of
Monumentum Iudaicum Lodzense Foundation

Jan Jagielski
Leon Kelcz
Symcha Keller
Monika Kern
Kamila Klauzińska
Xenia Modrzejewska-Mrozowska
Henryk Panusz
Sylwester Pawłowski
Mirosław Sopek
Marek Szukalak
Aleksandra Szychman

Lodz, 8th April 2013

Fundation Monumentum Iudaicum Lodzenie
Biuro Promocji Urzędu Miasta Łodzi
Klub „Jazzga”
 have the pleasure to invite you to a special concert

„Jewish songs and…”

Iza Grynsztajn-Grudzińska – vocal
Artur Nadolny – acoustic guitar
Piotr Gajzler – classical guitar
Hubert Rogoziński – host

Special quests:
Maciej Kozłowski i Marek Cichucki

A multimedia presentation abort Jewish Cemetery in Lodz
will be presented during the concert by
Mirosław Sopek
delicious donuts from Józef Kuczka will be served

The concert will be held on December 22nd  2005 at 7pm.
 at „Jazzga” club, Piotrkowska St. 17

free admission


Zdjęcia z Getta. Fundacja Edukacji Wizualnej oraz Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi zorganizowały wspólnie wystawę Łódź Getto - fotografie Henryka Rossa. Złożoną z 50 fotografii ekspozycję można oglądać do 19 września w gmachu Muzeum przy ulicy Więckowskiego. Henryk Ross był jednym z dwóch oficjalnych fotografów łódzkiego getta. Pracował dla Działu Statystycznego w latach 1940-1944. W tym czasie zebrał ponad 6.000 negatywów, które przed likwidacją getta zakopał. Po wojnie wydobył je i przewiózł do Izraela. Obecnie kolekcja należy do Archiwum Współczesnych Konfliktów w Londynie, z którym współpracę nawiązała łódzka fundacja. Wystawa związana jest z obchodami 61. rocznicy likwidacji getta łódzkiego, w Polsce zostanie zaprezentowana po raz pierwszy. Towarzyszy jej album w języku angielskim oraz dwujęzyczny katalog. Muzeum Sztuki, ul. Więckowskiego 35, do 19 września ...more